Gifts, Portuguese homeware ideas

Christmas countdown is definitely on! We are busy finding the right presents, the ones that are useful and will make the receiver happy. Sometimes, we get tired from the people in the streets and the shopping malls. Some, as myself and all the expats, are hoping their favourite producers sell online, as that will avoid packing stuff on already overflowing luggage. It can be stressful! Warm wine or hot chocolate, some christmas carols and snow help to change the mood and help us focusing on what is important.

No matter what, just remember, the best present you can offer is mindful time spend with the ones you love, it is an open smile to a stranger, it is an homemade cake or an old photo printed from the archives.

I have hesitated to make yet another list of Christmas present ideas, but if you are looking homeware gifts , reasonably priced and possible to be bought online, this may be a little help.

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